Monday, July 11, 2011

Why do we do........

Just got back from Upward Training tonight. I thought there was a great question brought up that might also help with our life group direction.

They asked "Why do you do what you do at your church/lifegroup every week?

Please ponder for a while then post your thoughts in the comments. I'll add what they gave us a little later.



  1. I'd like to say it's always because of a thriving relationship with Christ, but sometimes it's because I'm a creature of habit and church is a way of life. I think God has been using this to challenge my heart. I'm excited to see where our discussion leads...

  2. I often start out because I want to grow in my relationship with Christ (why I start going to a bible study) or because I want to serve (why I volunteer to teach) but then I often lose sight of that and become a creature of habit too.
    I want to be obsessed with God and have him be the Center of all my plans--but I often am satisfied with just putting my time in.
    I was hoping my answer would be better--reminds me that I need to be more intentional in my daily life

  3. sometimes its because i want to grow in my relationship with Christ... sometimes its for the fellowship and friendship that helps fuel me... and sometimes its becasue the alarm goes off.

    i'm involved in things like life group, worship team, and childrens ministry because i feel like God has called me into those areas and he has gifted me with abilities.

    i first became involved in all those things because someone asked me to join them. makes me wonder who i should/could invite to join me

  4. i want to follow Jesus. for real. for all seriousness. not just worship Him or revere Him or know about Him. i want to follow. i've been pondering what this means lately. to love like He did, to forgive like He did, to confront like He did. to be a total sell out to God and His kingdom and His plans for the earth and human history and the restoration of all of creation back to Himself. how can i be a part of that, when most often i'm content not being part of much of anything else? Jesus called His followers to a cross; thomas acquiesced, living up to his half-hearted obedience, before finally getting schooled by a resurrected Christ. how blessed are those who believe without seeing! i want to follow Jesus, not because i have seen or because its the right thing to do, but because nothing else will satisfy. no amount of church, life group, bible reading, bible study, sunday school teaching, sermon attending, serving, whatever will satisfy as much as Jesus. but its a start in the right direction (i think).

    that's why i do what i do. and hopefully those i lead will want to take the journey with me.

  5. Ok. Here are my comments followed by Upwards thoughts:

    BZ: Originally because my wife said I have to go to church every week! Then because I found friendship and comfort with the people. Then finally because it made me feel close to God. It was all about myself feeling good! Not altogether a bad thing. Kind of a recharging my batteries on Sunday after a tough week.

    Anyway, Upward says we need to be doing what we do every reach people, unchurched people. They talked about catering to the church needs only and that equals extinction!

    Really made me take a step back and think about how selfish I am about Sunday service being for me! As Grant said to me at lunch today, our Sunday worship really needs to be about the next generation. That is why we are here!!!!
